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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Recent content by mpo

  1. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Friday 19th October 2012

    tdv, thank you!!! ;)
  2. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Friday 19th October 2012

    tdv, strange indeed (n). I have accepted your invitation :)
  3. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Friday 19th October 2012

    tdv, yes it should be Miranda. My former in game name was catering/propeller
  4. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Friday 19th October 2012

    tdv, I really hope you can help me getting those video boards to make some progress in this mission. I have sent you an invitation yesterday :)
  5. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Friday 19th October 2012

    Haha, it's Friday already. Just made a thread for Thursday. Time to wake up :unsure:
  6. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Thursday 18th October 2012

    Hi all, See my signature. I hope someone is able to send me some video boards, Thxs
  7. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Thursday 18th October 2012

    Sent all my flights hoping for a video board to drop, but it's almost impossible to get my first stadium :cry:
  8. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Thursday 18th October 2012

    Hi all, I really need a lot of video boards! @Tdv, I have added you as friend. :)
  9. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Friday August 10th 2012

    Hi all, See my signature. Thanks
  10. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Thursday August 9th 2012

    Hi everybody, I hope somebody can help me with some cooling chambers. Thank you
  11. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Saturday 21st July 2012

    Hi, I am new to this forum. See my signature for the items i need. Thank you
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