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Recent content by mistijuel

  1. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Tuesday 31st July 2012

    Sent today: jackjackeli - oscillating beacon joe - fuel zan - additional radar Scud - fuel additives deidei - oscillating beacon Adrian - cockpit glass Melisende - passengers cap'n5 - powerful radio transmitter (thanks for the server, got it :) vangees - packaging machine Thanks everyone for...
  2. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Monday 30th July 2012

    Vangees - Passengers Lockout - Spare wire BDB - Fuel jackjackeli - beacon melisende - passengers von smit - cashcounter fika - additional radar Adrian - Fuel additives VI - Oscillating beacon SCUD - additional radar lkoo - flight catering N8Z - Passengers Zen - additional radar Deidei -...
  3. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Sunday 22nd July 2012

    Sent so far: snow - additional radar vangees - fuel supply whistler - Fuel additives cap'n5 - Additional radar Zen - Additional radar Lockout - Fuel additives djs - powerful radio transmitter l00 - fuel
  4. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Thursday 19th July 2012

    Von Smit - fuel additives VI - passengers Adrian - Fuel additives Vangees07 - wide-angle binoculars snow - landing lamp zen - passengers DBD - fuel additives cap'n5 - powerful radio transmitter air canillas - fuel supply
  5. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Friday 13th July 2012

    Yeah, it does seem to be moving faster this time :). Thanks a lot!
  6. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Friday 13th July 2012

    Hi all, I wanted to thank all of you for gifts and apologise for not being able to send back recently. I've had some phone issues, and had to completely factory reset so lost all my progress :angry: Also means new username and new code, so feel free to remove "mistijuel_*item*" (I think can't...
  7. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Saturday 30th June 2012

    sent today: ruaware - flight catering vangees - passengers taipei101 - additional radar whistler - fuel additives deidei - flight catering mg - flight catering lister - flight catering lflyer - spare wire hl - spare wire sky ranger - spare propeller cap'n5 - packaging machine I007791 - landing lamp
  8. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Wednesday 27th June 2012

    Neville - It still wont let me add you, just says the code's invalid. It's letting me add others though, so I dunno Sent so far, and thanks for the gifts! Sky Ranger - SPare propeller deidei - fuel Taipei101 - Additional Radar MG - Fuel LFlyer - Spare4 wire Jackjackeli - Cooling chamber lister...
  9. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Sunday 24th June 2012

    @ neville, it won't let me add you right now. Says code is invalid. Sent so far: Mija - Fuel Supply Lee - Fuel hose Joe - Oscillating beacon ruaware - Spare wire Jackjackeli - Cooling chamber Lflyer - Flight catering cap'n5 - navigation module whistler - fuel additives Taipei101 - master plan...
  10. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Thursday 21st June 2012

    Sent so far: Deidei – flight catering Joe – fuel additives 101 – fuel additives Jimmy21 – fuel hose Jackjackeli – fuel additives Alexcraig – spare wire Liste – jet engine Divya - Passengers
  11. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Wednesday 20th June 2012

    Neville, Removed you from my list. Sending out gifts when it lets me again.
  12. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Tuesday 19th June 2012

    Thanks for the gifts everyone! Sent so far: Mija – Flight Catering Sky Ranger – Flight Catering Joe – Lining Plate Jackjackeli – fuel additives Deidei – flight catering L007791 – landing lamp Divya – Passengers Nik – fuel additives Taipei101 - Cooling chamber
  13. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Sunday 17th June 2012

    @zenmie. It's level 26; not sure how i can show up twice. I'll try changing my name. thanks also please see signature.
  14. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Saturday 16th June 2012

    @ Zen an Neville, thanks for the gifts, but they haven't shown up :/ oddly enough you're both still listed as waiting neighbors I'll send out gifts as soon as it lets me
  15. M

    Daily Trading Thread for Friday 15th June 2012

    Sent thus far: Taipei101 - fuel additives alexcraig - powerful radio transmitter Nik - sparewire I'll send more when it decides to let me add people again
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