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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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View My Signature - DanBrock

Game Name: DanBrock

Playing on IOS

Level 54 - 101 stars

Game name: DanBrock

Could really use a lot of fuel right now as trying to get a lot of flights out. If anyone wants to set up a fuel exchange please let me know. Hi

Please send invite and I will return gifts as soon as I can. Please let me know you have sent invite.

needs: flight catering, Propellor, fuel20, spare wire


Let me know what you need in return

Can send:

Vivaldi-antenna, fax, passengers (5), fuel catalyst, all-inclusive bracelet, imprinter, pearl earings, cockpit glass, welder, tour review, landing lamp, dispatcher console, sandbag, fuel (20), powerful radio transmitter, video wall, spaceship engine, anti theft gate, filled candies, fuel supply, jet engine, calculator, fuel additives, insulation, solar cell, additional radar, white gold bracelet, amperemeter, spare wire, server rack, landing gear, oscillating beacon, flight catering, weather display, navigation module, master plan, fuel hose, gyroscope, spare propeller, de-icer, TV panels, wireless compass, washing machine, blanket, attitude indicator
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