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Canadian Cowboy

1 January 1900 (Age: 125)
  1. Android
Friend Code
Cowboy Roper


Username: Cowboy Roper
Friend Code:049juqsf
Neighbours 417
Level 74 Stars 262 Hearts level 9
Device: ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T
OS: Android V 4.2.1
Alliance: Mjs Explorations Level 1
Current planes Falcon(1) Giant(2) Jumbo(2) Powerful Delta(2) Delta(1) Jet(2) Proppeler-Driven (1) Turboprop(0
Reserve hanger - 6 slots - storing 6 Turboprop

Gift Buildings: Research Lab(6), Mission Control Center Level 3, Green Launch, Blue Launch.

My city is organized for maximum use of space and minimum use of roads. The roads do NOT connect.
Similar buildings ARE generally NOT found together.

Currently Need:
For Pharmaceutical Lab Bioreactor (5) Granulator (8) Air Shower (3)
For Control Tower (Level 10) Drawing Board (3)

Currently can send:
Magnetic Falw Detector, Pneumatic Capsule, Currency Detector, Passengers (5), Fuel Catalyst, Bath Towel, Computer, Single-Malt Whiskey, Paint, Generator, Travel Guide, Massive Spotlight, Landing Lamp, Projector, Rope Block, Fuel(20), Powerful Radio Transmitter, Video Wall, Assembly Robot, Slide Rule, Eau de Toiette, Fuel Supply, Jet Engine, Calculator, Fuel Additives, Power Source, SpaceShipe Launch Console, Additional Radar, Makeup, Shredder,r, Spare Wire, Hull Parts, Landing Gear, Oscilating Beacon, Flight Catering, Defroster, Navigation Module, City Model, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope, Spare Propeller, Deicer, Grinding Machine, Wireless Compass, Centrifuge, Blanket, Attitude Indicator, Glazing Machine, Earplugs, Fruit Lollipop, Edge Banding Machine, Bed, E-reader, VR headset, Sleeping Pill, Granulator.


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