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14 December 1985 (Age: 39)
  1. Android
Friend Code


Username: Bobby:Item_I_Need
FriendCode: au06nmk
Level: 27
Stars: 44
Hearts: 6

I am more interested in finishing the many buildings i have before working on flight items. Msg me on here that you are the person adding me so i can know which items you want and accept you.

Still needing 2 very active accounts for daily gifting.

Building Needs (In order by priority):

Terminal 5:
1x Ergonomic Chair

Control Tower 5:

1x Insulation

Flight Items:
Spare Wire
Additional Radar

I can send: Fuel (3) | Passengers (5) | Fuel Catalyst | Disposable Shampoo | ATM | Pearl Earrings | Cockpit Glass | Generator | Tour Review | Landing Lamp | Projector | Channel Bar | Fuel (20) | Powerful Radio Transmitter | Assembly Robot | Air Conditioner | POS Terminal | Filled Candies | Fuel Supply | Jet Engine | Whiteboard | Fuel Additives | Drill Machine | Solar Cell | Additional Radar | Perfume | Cash Counter | Spare Wire | Lining Plate | Landing Gear | Oscillating Beacon | Flight Catering | Defroster | Navigation Module | Master Plan | Fuel Hose | Altimeter | Spare Propeller

Buildings Complete due to this website: Control Tower 4 | Town Hall 4 | Baggage Hall 1 | Cosmic Fuel Station 1 | Mission Control Center 1 | Repair Base 4 | Hotel | Mission Control Center 2 | Duty Free 3 | Baggage Hall 2 | Town Hall 5


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