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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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View My Signature - Blaz62746

# N O T P L A Y I N G S I N C E #
# 2 0 2 0 - 0 7 - 1 2 #

Username: Blaz *item I need most*
Friendcode: 045e8k3vs
XP Level: 48 (Skill Stars: 124)
Reputation Level (Hearts): 18
Timezone: GMT +1
Device: Android
Alliance: not in alliance

Tag me or send me a message so that I know you're from forum.

Currently I need (priority in
fuel (20 units)
navigation module
spare wire

Items I can send (in alphabetical order):
additional radar - air conditioner - amperemeter - anti-theft gate - archive box - ATM
B: bath towel - blanket
C: calculator - cash counter - city model - cockpit glass - cognac - computer - controller - cooling chamber - copy machine
D: defroster - deicer - differential relay - dispatcher console - drill machine
E: ergonomic chair
F: flight catering - flight goggles - flight helmet - fuel (3 units) - fuel (20 units) - fuel additives - fuel catalyst - fuel hose - fuel supply
G: generator - glass display case - guest book - gyroscope
H: hull parts
I: ice detector - imprinter - infrared thermometer - insulation
J: jet engine
L: lamp shade - landing lamp - laser cutter - laser level - lining plate
M: makeup - master plan
N: navigation module
P: packaging machine - passenger seat - passengers (5) - passengers (10) - POS terminal - power source - powerful radio transmitter - projector
R: radar - RDF
S: sandbag - security camera - server rack - shredder - single-malt whiskey - slide rule - smoke detector - spaceship launch console - spare propeller - spare wire - spoiler - stamp - stapler - strobe light
T: textbook - tour review - transmitter
V: video wall
W: warning system - washing machine - weather display - welder - wheel block - whiteboard - wide-angle binoculars

* unlocking on level 46: attitude indicator

Signature last updated: 2020-05-09
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