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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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  • I have QL's if you want to join me on launches and add a QL. We can alternate first place if you agree.
    Oh I wish I had seen that earlier. Mine just launched and won't be back for 12 hours. :( I would very much like to coordinate with you in the future however. I have 100 Test Launch bonuses and 26 QLs. Right now I'm mainly launching simply to get F50, so even doing 2nd or 3rd place is fine if you want 1st.
    Yes, I launched it. Oh well we just have to wait overnight till 10:00 BST Sunday. I like yor suggestion. I have 31 Platinum Chests to open. I want the silver tokens but I have to use up 10 Powerful Explosive Bolts each time! I'll start off a launch on Sunday morning. I know that will be the middle of the night for you, but please do join me when you can.
    All the best,
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    Reactions: Nayeon
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