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Neil ellor
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  • sent u a fren request..pls accept...thanks...
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    Reactions: Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Got you on all games, didn't know you were still around must have lost you as a neighbours with all the GI mess ups good to have you back
    Hi Neil,
    My 2nd game minime lost all neighbors and GI support said they cannot restore friends list.
    Would you please add minime (code: 040ghx0q )
    to your game?
    Thanks in advance.
    Hi Neil ellor,
    I'm back in the game after some break. Beginning of the year you were my neighbor with all your accounts. Would you pls accept my neighbor request from Captain tneil and invite me, resp. advise your code for the ne/ne2 games.
    Thanks in advance, Pit1024 (IOS player)
    Hi! Could you add me as a neighbour if you have room.My code is aeowyyp .Thank you
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    Reactions: Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Yes of course next time i have wifi will send invites.
    PS have a look at other people profiles and update yours this will help with gifting form your neighbours
    Hey Neil...quick question. I recall myself, you and Helen on board last week's shuttle. I do remember i got a silver chest (not sure in 2nd or 3rd position). Do you remember who took the lead? Was it you or Helen? In the conversation, you asked Helen to Lead and you will finish adding the points. not sure if Helen went for it.
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    Reactions: Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Ramy I took the lead last week so put me in the last position this week
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    Reactions: Rsorour
    I seem to have lost your Captain tneil game from my neighbor list. Mind clearing me from that side so we can reconnect? (The others seem fine on this end.)
    Don't laugh, but how do I synch my game?
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    Reactions: Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    You need to update first. Some games will be OK but some are lost or not working. The games need to be deleted and then a new invite sent. It's worked on my games. Delete, send invite, wait for accept. May have to restart game in some cases for it to work
    Sorry Neil for bumping you into 4th place on that last launch. I didn't realize how many points second place put in.
    Neil... I spread the word of Helens absence to Dick
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    Reactions: Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    I think only Bill and Tom don't know after reading the comments so I will start a thread for her.
    I haven't been on the forum for a few days
    Hi Neil! Happy New Year!
    Sent request from my support game Infiltrados to Captain tneil and Ne2. Could you accept?
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    Reactions: Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    I haven't seen them yet but I am on holiday. We can sort the invites when I get home and have better wifi
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    Reactions: Marve
    Hey there Neil.... I sent a safety cone to Captain Ne2. Could you return please. not sure if you need cones for the main game. let me know. Cheers Buddy
    Hey, Neil! Can you describe, what exactly happen with your game? I saw in the topic, that it aren't working now..
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    Reactions: Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    The game just wont load up. Hit the app and it just goes black. Hopefully the new update will sort it when i can download
    Hi, I added your Android game to my itismie game. I can not add any IOS games for the moment
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