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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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  • Hey... i miscalculated and accidentally moved up in your blue launch. my apologies. Please take back the number one position.
    Hi - you need to post what LVL 8 items you need. I posted a thread this AM you were CC. Basically it cautions that once you completed a building those items are gone from you gift list. Bill
    Hi @sportybear
    Any chance you could send through some goal posts over next few days...
    Thanks for visiting my airport, any chance of some flight catering?
    Hi, have sent you some flight catering, any chance of some packaging machines to boost my flight catering....?
    Just joined your launch. Dropped in some points presently 722/2000. I noticed that you have not added any since I joined (216). I do not want to steal your launch and I do not want to lose the points I just added. Please let me know what is going on?????? Thank Bill
    As far as I know, Defrosters cannot be gifted. The only way to get them, besides paying for them, is by flying to Dubai. They drop occasionally from there. It took a while but that's where I got mine.
    And everyone has been having the username problem ... since last September. GI seems unable to fix it.
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