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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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  • I have just read Pavolko Guns comments from Sunday. Any idea for a replacement?
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    I think most big contributors will already be in an alliance, let’s see how we get on this week. My main game is on raven alliance flights so I am not helping much. Let’s keep an eye out for members who want to join an alliance and see if we can pick up a diamond to help us out. Agree that 4 month return would be good for all of us:);)(y)
    I got a request from AN, unknown to me. I accepted and until so far .... not bad.... And M22 has a great week!
    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    I have him as neighbour don’t recall any issues, just got to keep going and see how we get on
    ik ben hier nieuw
    code game 04xsw52j
    Welkom Geert, ik heb je een burenverzoek gestuurd.
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    dank u deetee04.
    een dagelijks bezoekje doet soms wonderen
    Hi Deetee!
    Jesus, Joseph,Mary!-miracle happened! I own only three hangars event so I bought three aircrafts Falcon.
    But maybe not best place to talk about this.You can visit you in private?Let G sleep....or better to work our troubles!
    I am infinitely indebted!
    The first time someone informs me on something that still works.
    It is a great honor for me to meet you!!!
    Thanks for the compliment! Ofcourse you can send me a PM, go to your inbox and create a new message. Cheers, Dick.
    DeeTee, did you launch today with Belfast? He said, DeeTee03 was in. If DeeTee03 is not your game, please apologize.
    He asked me to tell you, that you please should wait for 2. or 3. Ql in his launches. It needs time to get in with his 2. game.
    He don't like 2,5 hours launches.
    Thank you !!
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    Reactions: BAR SOLE
    Could be me, don't remember. I join a lot launches and usually put in 96 or 136 points. I also don't like 2.24 hour launches. Say sorry and Hi to Belfast from me, I'm always glad to fly with him!
    Hi Dick, I lost you on all my games in the latest update. Could you please remove any of my games from your lists. I will send out new neighbor requests to you this evening.
    I deleted LAX Regional and LAX 2. Do you send new invites from them? I already accepted the two other games!
    Also deleted TMP-STP, I forgot that one! So now I only have DAL-FTW and Drew17 in my list!
    Alfonz told me you have perhaps a Place free in your Alliance
    Pls inform me
    My Games Are iOS: gabii526
    And android: gab2/... Code: axd8t3j ( this Game for Alliance)
    Thk you for answer
    Hi Gabi, at the moment we don't have place, we are already with 8 people. So you have to wait or join another team.
    Its ok
    I will wait
    Hi Dee Tees Liquor . Would you please be so kind as to o add me to your game . I would like to click your Motels . I also have 6 built . I would appreciate it . Thanks for your consideration , LB .. . Sent a Request .
    Hi, I have sent you a neighbor request - visiting your buildings will help me a lot to fulfill the quest. Thanks in advance.
    Can you please re add my new friend request? We were friends in my previous airport but due to the black hole glitch I lost all my neighbors. My friend code is adpfru7 and my city name is Chez. My previous city was DC aerosol which is now a deserted ghost town. Thank you!
    Dick...I noticed you have been flying to Egypt most likely for the thanksgiving collection. I flew almost 90 flight and not a single thanksgiving cake dropped. Did you get your 3 cakes you needed can from Egypt; if you did what bonus(es) did you use?
    Hi Ramy, Yes, I announced before that I will sell my 12 falcons (4 in reserve hangar) en buy 12 turboprops for the maps from green launches. But then the thanksginving event appeared so I bought 12 normal props. Yesterday I made 102 flights to Egypt and 36 to Cyprus. Only Egypt gave me 2 cakes when I was using the Spy Glass bonus. From Cyprus no sweet potatos.
    Today I bought 12 Jets and started flying Los Angeles. First 12 flights (no bonus) gave me the third cake and third potato. At the moment I'm flying to Rio for the last two Corn.
    Hi, my game was hit one month ago with serious bug, all my friends vanished. The only way to get you back linked is that you remove my game from you current and add me again by using my android code aqd0vfv. Could you please do so? Thanks a lot in advance
    Good morning! Are you sure? Because you are still in my friends list. And we can add each other one time. Don't know if I invited you or you invited me long ago...
    Yes, I am sure and thanks a lot for giving it a try.
    hoi gezien en toegevoegd alleen ik kan jou niet bezoeken hij geeft bij mij an dat jou versie niet is geupdate.
    Klopt, ik speel op IOS en daar is nog geen update voor....
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