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  • Hi Bill, I already complete upgrading all buildings to level 11 so please don't send EV charging station to main game sari. Send back did not work and you'll get fuel3 instead of item for town hall lv11. I will send from my support game.
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    Nsari - I wanted to Thank You for all of your assistance over the years!!!! Your are one of the BEST in my neighbors list. Bill
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    Bill, would you like to join us this Sunday at 1330. Kirsty partially retired and playing AC at a minimum more so like yourself. If you have some ammo and free at that time, feel free to join us. Neil will try to join from Spain pending wifi. If you are up for it, I'll add you to the thread for tomorrow's launch.
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    Also, the tenure offer is there for future launches..
    Ramy - Just got ur msg. TY for the invite ! Sorry I missed the launch. RE: Future launches -my sched is very active on Sunday's so I will not be able to join. again TY for considering me. Bill
    No problem...I fully understand. Don't work too hard!
    HI - got TF,HT,SP TY! Will send you NM, LP, LP in return. I l need 3xTF, 2xHT and 5xSP. My signature is up to date. Again TY Y- Bill -
    Hi Bill, I send you item for repair base level6 buildings and sweet factory. please don't send it back. Thank you
    Hey Bill, miss ya on the forum, thanks for the gifts
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    Hi ! HH miss u all! Just playing a very casual game. Waiting to see if Mars Mission happens. Say hello to all fo me.
    Launching too? Let know what kind of support will. You need. I can fill it up if needed buddy. Been collecting ammo to get ready for the Marsmission whenever that will be
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    Ramy TY for going forward yesterday. My iPad locked found out it was my wifi. Got it back overbite. Thanks
    Hey Bill....it's good to see you playing the quest. It's been a while man. Things have changed as you've probably noticed. Take it easy and don't work too hard. How has AC withdrawal treating you buddy?
    Happy New Year, Bill! I hope you and yours are happy and healthy and ready to take on 2015. Keep cool and keep calm, friend! Tom
    Bill... We were honored in you presence on the launch pad. Good to launch with u again buddy!!!
    Your old pal Ramy
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    Tried to highjack ! Lol I'll drop by again! Hope all is well with you and yours!
    billsnj, please add me as a neighbot code: azqri7h. and let me know your code so I can add you
    My DAL-FWT game randomly added you as a neighbor. For whatever this game never accepted you as a neighbor. Please check your add neighbor requests before deleting them and please add this game. Thanks.
    Hi Bill,
    I have new Android account ww055_1 code a6xgwlm
    I can send Fuel20, Filled Candies now and Perfume in a future.
    TY - I do an ADD !
    Thanks for the assist there buddy. I was hoping to get it off the ground in time so I can be fully committed to the apogee QL party this coming Fri. Or Sat. which I am hoping to pickup another QL for 3 starring the program. It's kinda crazy that we don't have a time and schedule prepped yet.
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    Ramy - glad to assist !! Had not heard about a QL this weekend ??????? Bill I
    Bill: The timing i noted was in our launch PM thread was inaccurate. Juvenal, nsari and now Pavolko are starting the first launch at 0900 GMT on Saturday, September 6. That translates to 0500 EST and 0400 CST. I will be joining session 2 and a bit of session 3.
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