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iPhone Trading Thread for February 2013

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I now have a very odd set of planes!!
I used to have: 2 Turbo Props, 4 Jets, 1 Delta and 2 Santa's sleighs
I now have: 2 Attack Planes, 4 Turbo Props, 1 Jet and 2 Jumbo's (that fly from Santa's hangers)!! :)
My History Museum is also now an Opera House!

So it seems the upgrade downgrades your planes which is bad unless you have Sleighs still in which case it 'downgrades' those to Jumbo's and lets you fly them from the sleigh hangers ... hilarious!!

Looking at this I am tempted to run the upgrade. in addition to 8 various plane currently in hangers I still have 5 Sleighs



Guide Writer
  1. iPhone
I was without internet, sorry guys
I have the same problem with the airplanes, I lose 2 and I so angry with this, but I got 3 jumbo now...
I'll send my gifts, thanks for everybody that sent for me gifts these days that I was away..
I need 2 server racks


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Hi Everyone!

It looks like ios would not get anymore free weekend cash. Check this out:

  • Phoo Mya Thit @ Airport City Mobile,why don't you guys give weekend code for IOS player too? IOS players are nothing for you? No attention? I play this game since December. I am playing everyday. Weekend code was worked before your valentine update. But now it doesn't work. If you don't have plans for IOS player,you should warn thelayers to not to play your game. Now what? Are IOS players fool?Показать перевод
    7 · 18 ч. назад
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
I would like to see this policy of Apple's. And if it is indeed Apple's policy (and I've heard of something similar from them before, because Apple gets a cut of in-app purchases, so they want people to actually buy things, not get them for free), then GI needs to find a way to compensate for the loss that the iOS players are subject to. Take away the weekend codes and make it possible for all basics (like land!) to be purchased with coins. Create a bank-like system to trade in coins for green dollars. Something. Otherwise there's literally no incentive to play on iOS.

Besides that, GI needs to work on actually testing updates before they release them (or how to write code for updates that don't kill the playability of the game). Have they released a fix for the terrible "war plane/space ver.2" update they released yet?
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
iPhone: Rabblerouser, iPad: Rabblerouser2
I am having the same problem with the update, it downgraded a bunch of my planes. It made both of my turboprops attack planes, which I can't fly. I did notice three new Collections, one of which gives an attack plane as a prize. So I suppose there is a new event they are trying to set up. mcmanda, you are right, simply testing the update on a device would have clearly shown that it doesn't work right.
  1. Android
  2. iPhone
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see my signature
see my signature
Finally managed to get all the items for a launch - but waiting for someone to start one so I could join in....

Tim Jet - sent you an invite from TDVCrApple2
  1. iPhone
Finally managed to get all the items for a launch - but waiting for someone to start one so I could join in....
aartoo and I are probably going to start a launch this afternoon or evening, so you can join if you want. We will post a message in this topic before we actually start the launch.

S3R3G4, I added your new SEREG4 game a while ago, but just a minute ago, I discovered that only your old game is in my friendlist. Can you try to re-add my game, or should I try to add your game once more?


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Hi JesperJ!
Sorry for confusion! I have 2 games now:
SEREG4 on iPhone (lvl 25)
S3R3G4 on android (lvl 10, friend code apc8iru) - maybe I should call it differently?

I have you on my iPhone game in the neighborhood & even sent you fuel hose yesterday :) I would also add you on android tonight
  1. iPhone
S3R3G4, I think something went wrong, because I only have your old game (the one that got banned by GI, see screenshot). Your SEREG4 game isn't in my list and I didn't receive any gifts. :( I will try to add you again. Hope it works.


  • image.jpg
    386.5 KB · Views: 169


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
I was without internet, sorry guys
I have the same problem with the airplanes, I lose 2 and I so angry with this, but I got 3 jumbo now...
I'll send my gifts, thanks for everybody that sent for me gifts these days that I was away..
I need 2 server racks

Angry? Oehhhh runnnnnn


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
JesperJ - yes, that's the image of my old game. Please try to add my new games. What a pity - i was sending you gifts every week and it happens that you never received them :confused:
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
In am in search of rope blocks and sandbags. Thank you flip123 for the advice on shampoo.
User code is bigsexy312431
I can send spare wire jet engine and cash counter.

Thanks guys. Hopefully they get an update out soon.


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