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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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  1. Android
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Because the cost for runways is really expensive, and once you reach a certain level you start getting level of guest planes suited for runway you can purchase, this make the game even harder to play.

My suggestion is to not allow guest planes to arrive on a runway you can purchase, but have purchased so you don't have to refuse 80+% of planes.
I can't speak to how it is now, as I think the new runways are more expensive overall. When I was leveling up I would save the coins for the next runway before I got to the level that it was required at. It was a pain and maybe slowed my game down, but it did mean I could land planes.

I'm not sure it's worthwhile to do so these days as they are more expensive (I think). Guest planes never drop event shop tokens for event purchases/ ranking any more. This used to mean that landing as many guest planes as possible was more important (imo).

I think also I'm not so bothered about the items in the event shop or the daily event rewards anymore as I get tokens from other places.
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