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New Android update!! Easter mission

  1. Android
I sold all my FM except 1, bad memories of the mission, except the end with the suggestion of a dinner/bbq/happening. Now I'm happy with the space for the next challenge, no idea when and what but just in case... My score is like air canillas, I give it up!
  1. Android
Friend Code
PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
I sold all my FM except 1, bad memories of the mission, except the end with the suggestion of a dinner/bbq/happening. Now I'm happy with the space for the next challenge, no idea when and what but just in case... My score is like air canillas, I give it up!
I sold all but 3 of the 10.
I replaced them with the new Time to Rock quest buildings as this predates when I started to play Airport City.


I´ve complteed today the Easter Quest. I think that i´m a little bit late :p. Even with 10 Famer Markets i got today from my Aztec Pyramid my last vegetable.
Final count: 220-4-17-216-77. The algorithm is well balanced. Thanks to GI. (y)
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