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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Gifts Return Option


1000+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
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AKryztov, Azure
A "choose gift to return" option in our gifts received area. So, instead of only having the option to return the gift that was sent (i.e. get fuel, return fuel); a button to choose a gift to send to that neighbor would save from having to back out of the gifts area to locate that neighbor then send a different gift and then return to the gifts area and start all over with the next neighbor. It may be the best option G! has added to the game in a long time. Just my opinion. But with over 300 neighbors it can be very time consuming to look up each neighbor. In fact, that's the reason I will often just re-gift with fuel for everyone.... especially if it's 7:45 and I only have 15 mins to do gifts and visits. Which is what seems to happen. Yes, I'm a BIG procrastinator. :)
  1. Android
What I can think of is the market center. Players want gifts to hang in the market center and choose the gifts they want to exchange directly.
For example, if A player needs F20, he or she will hang F20 in the market center. B players also want F20, and directly click on player A in the
market and exchange them with each other. Is this more convenient and faster?
Nice idea. But u'll get less item that way. Maybe for F20, everyone will need F20. How about if u want LL? There is possibility that nobody want LL on that day and u cannot exchange LL on that day. Just my thought
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