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8 - Additional Neighbours sought (long version!)

  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
Please Message me to request
Tonight I had a clear out of neighbours with whom I have had little or no contact including some that are not on these forums - PLEASE MESSAGE ME HERE BEFORE SENDING REQUEST TO WAC7PS2 I will delete any requests not preceded by by a message because I now only add neighbours from this forum.

These means that I am looking for 8 new neighbours and to keep some kind of balance I am looking for 5 Neighbours who are:-
  • Around or above the same level as me (41)
  • Active in Space flights Green, Blue and Red (or like me will be starting red launches when I complete the red launch pad in about 7 days time
  • Active Players (usually once a day or more often)
  • If you have 1, or more, Planetariums I will automatically accept you
I am looking to add another 3 neighbours with the following criteria;-
  • Levels 12-30 'ish
  • Active Players who want to progress their game and are not likely to move on in a couple of weeks!
I am grateful for the help that senior members gave me in the early days and want to repay this by encouraging some newer players - You can see from the list in my signature that there are many items that I can gift which will help as you start new constructions etc

ABOUT ME - gbswales
I am retired and not able to get out much, and I also sleep badly - all of which adds up to me being a very regular player (have gone from Level 1 last December to 41 now.) This game requires patience or real cash investment - although I bought some airport cash in the early months I now play "Free to Play" only.

I keep a spreadsheet listing all my neighbours showing their game name, forum ID and what their needs are so that I can try to return gifts as fairly as possible. This is also helped by keeping my neighbours to a maximum of 60 at any time. Often I am able to return gifts the same day but if I have used my allowance for the day you get priority for the next or following days.

I am active in the windows trading forum checking on peoples changing needs and adjusting my own - so I am looking for players who make use of the Trading Forums and maintain a list of needs in their signature (I really hate sending people gifts that they cannot use!)

NOTE - I rarely participate in any of the Events - I am happy to send event items if I have them but don't want to receive them - unless I add the event to my signature. I find these events distract me from completing my main objectives and often a waste of resources.

So if you think we would get along give it a try by first sending me a message on here with the following info:-
  • Your Current Level
  • Your Forum ID
  • Name in the game and your Friend code
Level 40 plus Players also;-
  • Current Space level Blue or Red
  • Mention if you have at least 1 Planetarium
Feel free to tell me about your game and/or yourself
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