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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. marian

    Blue Launch Launched

    Thanks Everyone. Finally launched. All The best! Marian
  2. marian

    Blue Launch Launched

    Thanks Teboho for your feedback, left 6h40m. Nick, i verified this, private launch box isn't checked.
  3. marian

    Blue Launch Launched

    Hi ! Can anybody help me with finish my Blue launch? I stuck there by mistake. Thanks, Marian
  4. marian

    Red Launch NV7's Red Rocket Carnival (Closed)

    Sorry, no, i made some mess. You can delete me. Marian
  5. marian

    Continue Launch with 1QL

    Thanks @Narocc for this trip! Marian
  6. marian

    All welcome, multiple launches

    Steve, Could you add me. I can put some fuel to launch. Marian
  7. marian

    Red Launch gamerader red launched

    Thanks! I can't wait when we start fly. Marian
  8. marian

    Blue Launch Launched...thanks guys

    Still on pad? I need five minutes more... Marian
  9. marian

    Blue Launch On the pad....Launched

    Thanks for a ride. Marian
  10. marian

    Blue Launch Launch

  11. marian

    Blue Launch Launch

    Please join to my space trip. All place are available.
  12. marian

    Blue Launch Launched by a Hijacker Grrrr

    See that, i didn' t expect that somebody steal this ride. Sorry , that you lost your first position. Next time we will keep more attention for this player. Marian
  13. marian

    All welcome

    Add me too
  14. marian

    Blue Launch Blue on pad

    Hi everybody, Please join my blue launch. I take first, 934 points right now. Marian
  15. marian

    Green Launch Launched

    Promiss next time to join, right now still flying in my own space tour.
  16. marian

    Looking for 2 members for alliance Flight Sky

    I am interested too, im cery active player
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