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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Search results

  1. Agent_L

    What sale started today?

    I have quite old client and today I see 3 new offers. Those are "urban green", S2 prop and S3 prop. I know that urban green often happens when the offer is too new and old client doesn't have it. How does it look on a new client?
  2. Agent_L

    I'm scared as hell

    So, my phone hung up. No prob, a soft reset did the trick. I opened AC, clicked here and there, the usual. And then, to my horror I noticed that phone clock is at 2015! (thanks to wonderful advice to keep autosync off). OFC I immediately killed AC and set the clock right. That was few hours ago...
  3. Agent_L

    How to set up Fuel(20) exchange ring

    Since many people are upset about losing the ability to send Fuel(20) from their accounts, here's a guide on how to set up an additional account for exchanging fuel alone. Here are the highlights: Minimum time and effort to play the fuel account (about 30 seconds a day) Get up to 20× Fuel(20)...
  4. Agent_L

    Players with not updated Windows client

    So, as there is few of us still left, who can't or don't want to update, let's find each other. We can focus our item trading here and leave the main weekly thread for updated people. Let's start with me: Main: w8t5n85 - Sorry, no Planetariums : ( supports : wujqohr, wcemxfc, wafzbrv, wsb2i5q...
  5. Agent_L

    Red with a QL - CLOSED

    As in the title. I'm pumping it so join, put some points and grab #2 or just join and enjoy a free ride. 1700 pts in.
  6. Agent_L

    QL Green, all places available. - CLOSED

    I've opened a green launch. One QL is already in. If you can add another one, then I'll happily help you to first place. If no other QL appears, I'll close it in 50 minutes.
  7. Agent_L

    Huge (x50) launch party with a plan (and at least 3 QLs).

    So, there is a lot of discussion recently about best way to conduct launches. The only rock-solid conclusion is that one needs a plan - so let's plan! My proposition is to agree on a date, reserve few hours just for AC, gang up and do like 50 red launches. Every flight will go according to this...
  8. Agent_L

    Forum email problem

    I had this problem earlier today and I thought it was something on me, but as it turns out more people have this problem. It looks like this: You can't answer any thread, you can't like posts, you can't do anything. If you are paying close attention, you may notice tiny button about email...
  9. Agent_L

    Red Launch Agent L's first launch ever - LAUNCHED

    Finally! The time has come, all buildings are up - so I impatiently clicked launch instead of joining someone. Well, it's a historic moment for me. It took 30% of my launch chests to get half of the points : / 1626/3000 - so I guess 2nd/3rd are free to take
  10. Agent_L

    Let's map gift slots

    Attention as of August 2016: It seems that since version 4.7 (Android and iOS) it's no longer possible to return gifts from slots which are not available at that moment. The gift gets converted to Fuel(3). Short introduction for people not yet familiar with slot hypothesis: - giftable items...
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