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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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  1. MG

    App disappears

    Hi Guys. I also have this error (thought I was going crazy so glad I am not alone) and before today I was able to reinstall it and recover my progress but today I get an error message "Package File is Invalid" when I try to reinstall. I also am on a Samsung Galaxy SII MG.
  2. MG

    New Update: It came from outer space

    Hi All, Anyone know yet what type of plane is needed for the flight to Area 51? I have the map now but don't want to activate it until I fill my hangars with the right type of plane. Cheers and thanks for any help. MG.
  3. MG

    Android Machu Picchu Flight Missing

    Hi Guys, This may be a user error or something I don't understand but I have a mission to complete a flight to Machu Picchu but I don't have Machu Picchu as a destination I can fly to. Is there something else I have to do to enable this as a destination or is this a bug? Thanks for any help. MG.
  4. MG

    Time to Rock Building List

    MA - Music Arena FC - Festival Camping VIP - VIP Lounge RMT - Retro Movie Theater Air canillas.- 2 FC, 2 MA (building them). Chloe11111 - 1 FC, (building 2 MA, 1 FC, 2 VIP, 2 RMT) Coacho.- 2 FC, 1 MA (building it). MG Flight Items - 4 FC, 1 MA (in progress) Ndh2: 5 FC, 6 VIP, 1 RMT(building...
  5. MG

    I need launch consoles

    I need launch consoles
  6. MG

    Friday 19th April 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

    Launch Consoles Please Guys. I DESPERATELY need them. Nobody seems to be able to gift them. I have more than I need of every other item for Launch Pad 2. Aaaagggh!
  7. MG

    Houston! We are ready for take off.....

    need help to complete launch. Aapiee not contributing at all. please help guys. ----> Just a word of caution. Do not join a launch by the user "aapiee". This user started the launch, I joined, and to date (after over 15 hours) aapiee has contributed 96 points and is just sitting watching me...
  8. MG

    Wednesday 17th April 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

    Hi Guys, I need 4 Launch Consoles really bad. Have everything else I need for Mission Control 2. Thanks Guys. Mark.
  9. MG

    Spaceship Issues (Solution?)

    Hi Guys, Like many others on the forum I was locked out of the Launch Pad and also could not find my Spaceship when the flight had completed. In both instances I "got around" the issue by disabling Wi-Fi on my phone. When I used my carrier's internet connection rather than Wi-Fi I was able to go...
  10. MG

    Spring Challenge: Step by Step

    Weird. I have none of those missions. I just have to collect 3 x Flowers and 3 x Butterflies.
  11. MG

    When does your member status change?

    Hi All, Maybe a dumb question, but how do you become an "Active Member", "Well -Known Member" etc.? Thanks, MG
  12. MG

    Download The Tribez for 10 greenies

    Don't worry! You're not the only one. I didn't seee the offer either. Mind you I did install this game some time ago and got some greens then so maybe it recognises that and didn't make the offer to me.
  13. MG

    What would you like to see added to Airport City?

    This may have been mentioned before, but I think the time taken to count down the timer on the Solid Fuel for a rocket laucnh is way too long. Having built a Cosmic Fuel Station and collecting Solid Fuel from some Launch Ready drops from time to time, I have 40+ Solid Fuel available. I am sure...
  14. MG

    Conservatory - Who has them?

    Hi Toddfish, Just sent you a friend request. I unfortunately do not have a conservatory but I am gathering I am no Robinson Crusoe there. Cheers, MG
  15. MG

    Android Servers are down?

    It appears that the problem has been fixed or at least alleviated. I have now received a stack of gifts (alas not the backlog that I should have received) and have added a new neighbour (whch also didn't work previously). I still haven't been able to see any active space launches though. Might...
  16. MG

    Houston! We are ready for take off.....

    Hey guys, out of curiosity, do you only get the Training Centre if you complete your first launch within the original mission timeframe. I did not do that but did eventually complete a launch. I have not received a Training Center though.
  17. MG

    Android Servers are down?

    Does anyone have any definitive evidence that this is a common problem? I have not received a single gift for over 3 days now. That either means that everyone hates me (possible :)) or there is something wrong with the servers. If anyone is getting gifts then it might be an isolated problem. I...
  18. MG

    Android Servers are down?

    Have not been receiving ANY gifts from neighbours which is unusual and no Space Launches showing up. Are the GI Servers down? Do you reckon any gifting will have been saved and will be executed once the servers come back up? If anyone can confirm this suspicion, it would be good. Mark.
  19. MG

    Rock cafe

    Out of curiosity, what do you need from the Rock Shop?
  20. MG

    Is it possible to change your username on the forum?

    Hi Guys, Can you change your username on this forum? I can't seem to find a way to do it. Your advice woudl be much appreciated. Mark.
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