Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. LeoLion

    Thoughts about changing Forum Levels to be platform specific?

    I was thinking...now that there are multiple platforms for the game, would it be beneficial to re-organize the Forum Levels into platform specific Forums and then their topics can fall within the respective forum? For example: All Platforms Game Insight Announcements etc. Android Airport City...
  2. LeoLion

    What's with the neighbor visit allowance going down?

    I finally increased my "Reputation" and got the message box, "Congratulations! You can now visit more neighbors in one day"! Exciting! I had been visiting 8 neighbors each day and now I only can visit 4! On top of that, it will take 360 visits to increase again! The previous level (5) required...
  3. LeoLion

    Wish List

    While playing, I'm always thinking "I wish the game could/would.....", so I thought it might be interesting to compile a 'wish-list' of sorts. Kind of falls along the lines of the recent "Ask the developer..." thread that was on GI facebook. "I wish the game could/would..." sort my neighbor...
  4. LeoLion

    Do you Allow or Refuse guest planes?

    So, out of curiosity, do you typically "Allow" or "Refuse" the request of guest planes to land at your airport? Personally, I refuse more than I allow because it is my understanding that by refusing, or sending the plane to neighboring airports, that the neighboring airports thank you by...
  5. LeoLion

    'Master Plan' as an item?

    I received a "Master Plan" item from user 'whiteboard'. I can't find it on my list of items to send...is this determined by the level you are currently on?
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