Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Recent content by Bixby Mcfuzzy

  1. B

    Friday 24th January 2014 - iPad & iPhone Daily Trade Thread

    Fr sent to Rabblerouser Pakman 8 fuel GamingSwiftie fuel RMac deicer Rsorour deicer Pakman (x2) deicer
  2. B

    Thursday 23rd January 2014 - iPad & iPhone Daily Trade Thread

    FR sent to billsnj I think my items just freed up so I will go send some items.
  3. B

    Wednesday 22nd January 2014 - iPad & iPhone Daily Trade Thread

    Rsorour sent fuel add GamingSwiftie fuel Maybe some others Several FR sent to Pakman Yay I got my launch pad!
  4. B

    Tuesday 21st January 2014 - iPad & iPhone Daily Trade Thread

    Sent - GamingSwiftie 4 Powerful Radio Transmitter Friends request sent to mac_c82, Rsorour, Brexter - both accounts
  5. B

    Tuesday 21st January 2014 - iPad & iPhone Daily Trade Thread

    Only had one gift left right now. I'm also tapped out on friend requests still for the day. Will send more once they open up. Neil ellor - sent fuel hose
  6. B

    Monday 20th January 2014 - iPad & iPhone Daily Trade Thread

    I added several of you, but then it started saying "promo code not allowed". Maybe there is a max number of new friends per day?
  7. B

    Monday 20th January 2014 - iPad & iPhone Daily Trade Thread

    Hello! This is my first daily post, so I hope that I'm doing it correctly. All of my details are in my signature.
  8. B

    iPad Signatures

    Hello! Just found this group and added signature.
  9. B

    Welcome Bixby Mcfuzzy to Airport City Game!

    Thanks! Setting up my signature now. Hope (AKA Bixby)
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