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Tuesday 15th January 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

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  1. Android
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see my signature
see my signature
Hi all
Finaly some snow. I am sitting in the train next to someone who thinks she is all alone. She refuses to make some place and takes 1,5 seats. But I won't give up....
But first I must send my gifts for today.

Here is a good link to open up full screen when they are sat so close... Amazing suddenly the entire carriage is empty... :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

But be warned you could be facing a few gun barrels... :cautious::cautious::cautious:


BTW don't intend to offend anyone - so please don't click on the link if you are easily offended.
  1. Android
Event Horizon
Rob W just sent you a neighbor request. I would be happy to help you with your Do Not Disturb Sign. Sent Do Not Disturb Sign!

InCoNvEnIeNtE sent Fuel Additives
pienicki sent Cognac
Phantom sent Fuel
One Bad Day sent Do Not Disturb Sign (could use a Textbook OR Tour Review if you haven't maxed out on gifts today)

Vayka1 could you send me a Tour Guide? (Just sent you a neighbor request 10 passengers)

Sounds like it is time for a Titanium Backup of my game after what happened to 86Stalker.
Sorry to hear that cheif.
  1. Android
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aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
Hello all, and Happy Trading!

First, let me start off by saying this - Because of all your help and gifts sent so far, i have collected all the items need to upgrade the last 3 lvl 4 buildings i have to lvl 5...once i get the coins of course. So thanks a lot, you guys have helped me out so much, i really appreciate it!

List of things i sent this morning:
Bali Hi - Flight Catering & Bali 2 - Space Engine
I Fly - Flight Catering to I Fly 2
Kei - Oscillating Beacon
pienicki - Cognac
Phantom - Deicer
hungyauming - Deicer
Cicignon - Flight Catering
Long - Deicer
Kitty - Landing Lamp & Ka - Landing Lamp as well.
Ant - Spare Prop

As for me, for now send either Hotel items or Duty Free items to my Android (OBD Duty Free - currently). Thanks again for all the help!
  1. Android
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  1. Android
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yabuki ichiban
  1. Android
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sorry to hear that but maybe you can restore it. contact the GI.

Would be the second time in that case... Last time I couldnt open the game and GI sent me a few greenies to help me get started... This time it's level 35 and 101*, which I don't intend on doing all over...


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Would be the second time in that case... Last time I couldnt open the game and GI sent me a few greenies to help me get started... This time it's level 35 and 101*, which I don't intend on doing all over...

Allready many players got a special backup code... No idea how this works. there are multiple forummembers here who got their game back!
Thanks everybody for your gifts yesterday! My 20 gifts went out this morning. For those of you sent me Fuel Hose or see that in my in-game name, that was about 3 weeks ago (and my in-game name was updated 3 weeks ago), and I don't need Fuel Hose anymore. I know GI didn't refresh in-game names on some people for a long time (I still see a lot of my neighbors show Old Lantern in their in-game names). I would appreciate Flight Catering and other things in my signature. Thanks!

tdv: thanks again for the load of Fuel yesterday!
Bali Hi: thanks for the Fuel, sent you Flight Catering.
hockeyhobbit: thanks for the Deicer, I am not sure what you need since you don't put what you need in your signature, will check your post/signature again later.
Ivan: thanks for the Flight Catering and Deicer, I don't see you posted since Dec 18 and your in-game name still shows Old Lantern, not sure what you need now, will check yor post/signature again later.
Shinobi273: thanks for Spare Propeller and Deicer, sent you Flight Catering.
morgun: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Flight Catering.
bubbajed5711: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Spare Propeller.
Cicignon: thanks for the Flight Catering and Deicer, sent you Flight Catering.
Event Horizon, thanks for the Additioanl Radar, sent you Album.
jlosada: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Flight Catering.
BirdEyes: thanks for the Fuel Hose, sent you Flight Catering.
air canillas: thanks for the Flight catering, sent you Fuel Hose.
lkoo: thanks for the Fuel Hose, sent you Landing Lamp.
Lexx0r: thakns for the Spare Propeller, I don't have the items you asked several days ago and don't see a new post from you, will check your post/signature again later.
gcjr: thanks for the Fuel Hose, sent you Flight Catering.
cap'n5: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Flight Catering.
I Fly 2: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Flight Catering.
Maqu86: thanks for the Navigation Module, sent you Passengers.
stevel2606: thanks for the Fuel Hose, sent you Fuel.
Jonathan Godinez: thanks for the Fuel (I already have a lot of Fuel in stock, would rather to have Flight Catering, thanks), sent you Fuel.
86Stalker: thanks for the Fuel Hose, sent you Flight Catering.
hungyauming: thanks for the Fuel Hose, sent you Deicer.
pienicki: thanks for the Spare Propeller, sent you Chocolate Candies.
CK-Airport: thanks for the Flight Catering, sent you Flight Catering.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Hello all. Thanks for the various gifts, so strange during non mission days seeing those ol'flight items turning up and having to make the effort to see what people want rather than just sending lanterns.

I'm looking for TV Screens, although I am not sure they can be sent (even by tdv and his Slytherinesque knowledge of the gifting 'dark arts'). Confirmation either way would be great.

Now to contact GI and see where my greens are for todays Mystery Manor and The Tribez from a few weeks back... if I have them by tomorrow morn. I'll even buy those TV Screens!*

* promise will not be honored
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